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SMB Seasonal Marketing 101
By Kody Ross The holiday season is nearly upon us. It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but at TLC Marketing Consultants, we call it an excellent opportunity for your SMB to market to customers in new and unique ways! Here are a few simple ideas to...
Better Blogging for Your SMB: Five Tips
By Kody Ross Blogging has become a necessity for businesses to create a more personal and unique experience for their consumers. It can develop brand voice and personality and set your SMB apart from other companies in your industry. A blog should be engaging and...
Creating the Perfect Halloween Promotion for Your SMB
By Kody Ross Holidays are always a great time to take advantage of special promotional ideas. Because it directly precedes the biggest shopping season of the year, Halloween is a marketer’s dream. Last year alone, shoppers spent $8.8 billion on Halloween retail. No...
What Your SMB Should Do For Awareness Months
By Kody Ross Every month of the year has multiple specialized causes for awareness, which can provide relevant opportunities for your business while benefitting the community. If the cause is relevant to your particular brand, you can focus advertising and social...
Public Relations for SMBs
By Will Anderson Small business owner’s sometimes may not think they need to utilize public relations; however, that is not the case. Public relations is an integral part of any business no matter the size. The only difference is for a small business, is that you may...
What You Should Know Before Hiring A Marketing Firm
What You Should Know Before Hiring A Marketing Firm By Katarina Knoff Outsourcing to a marketing firm can be an extremely beneficial decision for many companies. When it comes down to dollars and expertise, marketing firms are a great way to gain an outside...
Seven Tips to Successful Direct Mail Marketing
Seven Tips to Successful Direct Mail Marketing By: Katarina Knoff Statistics show that many SMB owners under that age of 35 have never even considered direct mail as a strategic part of their marketing plan. Nowadays, email, social media and other electronic...
Creating a Powerful and Effective Logo
Creating a Powerful and Effective Logo By Katarina Knoff Logos hold a lot of power and are a very important part of brand recognition. A perfectly designed logo can strengthen a brand and establish a good rapport with its audience which is what a business wants to...
The Importance of Online Directories for SMBs
The Importance of Online Directories for SMBs By Will Anderson Online directories are best defined as an online list of websites where people list their business contact information. Online directories provide many benefits for small businesses. The more online...
Why Your Small Business Needs a Website
By Will Anderson Nowadays every company needs a website - including small companies. However, studies have shown that almost half of all small businesses don’t have a website. Since most people research a company online before contacting them, it’s essential to...