Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective marketing channel. You can promote your business’s products or services through this direct effort, stay in touch with customers, reach new audiences and more.

Any email sent to a potential, or current customer could be considered email marketing in its broadest sense. This strategy is used to send offers and promotions, solicit business, find new clients, seek donations and other efforts.

TLC Marketing Consultants creates, distributes and manages company newsletters, stand-alone promotions, email lists and more. We also have select vendors for email campaign purchases for those with no in-house email list.

Need a hand with your efforts? Contact us today!

TLC Marketing Consultants is Proud to be a Constant Contact Partner

Constant Contact is our preferred email tool; it is an excellent fit for small and medium-sized businesses and nonprofits to get results. The tool allows us to drive sales, engage the target audience and track what’s working for our clients.

If you want to try email marketing on your own, we recommend starting with Constant Contact. Sign up here!

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