By Tammy Cunningham

With the recent rise of social media over the years, it has never been more important to advertise on many platforms. According to Smart Insights Digital Marketing, 5.07 billion people around the world use social media, and with that number only rising, businesses are shifting from traditional advertising to social media advertising at a rapid rate. You may notice advertisements more often than you have in the past on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc., this is no surprise as it goes to show the seismic shift in how businesses advertise over the last couple of years. In this blog post, I will discuss how implementing a good social media advertising plan will lead to a better marketing campaign for your business.

Reach Broad and Targeted Audience

Social media advertising is the best way to reach a broad audience in this day of the digital age because of the active users. There are billions of users throughout platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. making it easy to maximize the number of customers that see the marketing campaign. No matter the industry your company is in, there is guaranteed to be a large audience and target audience that will see your marketing.

Social media marketing campaigns make it much easier to find the targeted consumer as you can precisely define aspects such as demographics, location, interests, etc. Algorithms within social media apps will allow your target audience, who are interested in what you are advertising, to be able to find your advertisements. This will inform more consumers of your product, leading to more revenue and attention for your business.

Clicks and Engagements

Social media has a very easy and efficient way to measure how well an advertisement campaign is doing, clicks, and engagements! This is unlike traditional one-way marketing where the business can’t see how consumers respond upon seeing advertisements, engagements make it so the consumer response is instant. Likes, comments, messages, retweets, saves, mentions, etc. are all forms of social media engagements that give a business a direct response and grow audience. Twitter and TikTok are two apps where you can now see even if someone just viewed your post, which directly shows how many people are seeing your advertisements and if they are leading to growth or not.


Cost is the number one reason why many businesses cannot run the optimal advertising campaign. Compared to other advertising methods such as TV, radio, or print, social media advertising is much cheaper and cost-effective for firms. You can social media advertise on any platform for free besides the cost you put into creating it, or you can pay minimal fees to help. According to Motivated Marketing, the average 30-second TV ad costs around 150,000 on a major network, while social media advertising can be free or very cheap.

Various Ways to Format Ads

Social media is the most unique way to advertise nowadays as there are so many ways you can go about it. With traditional advertisement methods, there are very concrete ways to make an ad such as commercials, radio ads, or print ads, but with social media, there will be a format for whatever you are looking for and you can make it exactly how you’d like. You can go with a poster ad, video ad, traditional post, Q&A post, and many more as you can customize every aspect of the extremely diverse ways you can format social media advertisements.

How We Can Help

Our marketing agency believes that in this digital age, social media advertisements have become extremely important to optimize the success of marketing campaigns. We know how stressful it can be as a business owner to worry about advertising, while also having to worry about running a business, that is why we want to help you and your business!

Do you need help with social media advertising? We at TLC Marketing Consultants specialize in it! You can visit our website, email us at in**@tl*********************.com, or give us a call 913.904.2125.